Tuesday, July 28, 2009

plam readings

what happens if u know how to read palms n realize that u've used up all ur luck?

women of the 21st centery

Dessie said my 1st impression to him was i had a veil.
a vibe that separates ppl.
all i wanted is work.

n im too independent
im the strong headed kinda women
that will scare man away.

ive always despise bimbos.
but now im suddenly feeling uncomfortable with Dessie's remarks.

Monday, July 27, 2009

giler glamour

this year itself, 2 great people have pass on.
MJ & Yasmin.

never have i felt so affected by a celebrity's passing
Yasmin is a jewel to all Malaysian.
despite the difference in race & background,
everyone seem to know who Yasmin was.

even my sis in Singapore texted me to check how badly affected are we
we as in ppl part of the industry.

it saddens me n makes me wonder "siapa lagi yang akan memperjuangkan racial harmony dlm industri ni kalau tanpa Yasmin"

i dont know her personally but i like her works.
but i really do hate ppl who use her as a glamour factor.
im especially upset that there's this talent that posted on her facebook about attending Yasmin's funeral.
attending someones funeral is not something to boost about.
jeez. pls. respect those who have passed on and respect those who are alive.
most importantly, give youself some respect!
using important or known ppl as a factor to scream " look at me!" is so not cool.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

when was the last time i really wanted something?

i dont remember.
i cant remember the feeling. the urge of wanting something.
how it felt like.

mungkinkah sbab its just too easy to get things going my way
or maybe ive lowered my standards these days.

but i do feel that i want something now.
adakah ia sbab i rasa nak isi kekosongan?
atau i memang Nak kan benda tu?

tapi adakah i perlukan benda tu?
tapi...once you've put aside everything, we can actually survive without alot of things in this world.
so the question now is....
Nakkan sesuatu benda tu ke perlukan sesuatu benda tu?
penting ke?

kalau saje2 nak, tak salah pun kan?
tapi kenape i rasa guilty pulak?
benda tu mungkin akan buat i happy.
too bad its not for sale.
not on the rack. not to be bought with money.

so, when was the last time i really wanted something?
i dont feel like i want it badly now but i do want it.
i rasa i patut nak benda tu badly tapi tak.

i rasa, kalau cikgu karangan baca tis, dia akan fail me.
i dah terpesong from my topic dah.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Cinema Combat 101

Cinema Combat 101 -

Lesson 1:
If guy behind complains "Actress Tak Cantik", Turn & Ckp Sekuat2 "AKU SETUJU! AKU PUN RASA PEREMPUAN NI MMG TAK CANTIK" thn turn to his gf & go "KAN?KAN?KAN?

Lesson 1A: remember to smile big big to avoid being punched in the face. kalau takut tak nampak gigi, tolonglah pakai Darlie.

Lesson 2:
let any of ur electronic device go off whn guy behind keeps coughing & sneezing into your hair. thn stand up and shout, "H1N1 virus detected" and start running around like a mad man. Demand usher to get man out of cinema. if that fails, demand a refund from counter so that you can catch the next show.

Friday, July 10, 2009

its your mouth but Its MY Life.

oh look at me! look at me!
i'm King Julian!
i've got tits! i've got tits!

*wriggling my ass while saying so.

race to Which mountain?

my race has nothing do to with my credibility and capability.
and it has nothing to do with you.

my race proves nothing about who i really m
but unfortunately, ur mouth proved that you are an idiot to ask so.

Mo for Mohd or Monique

"may i know if you are malay or chinese?"

gathering uncles

aku tak suka siber kafe kat bawah block aku.
it has just occupied the space of a warung.

whn i decided to move in, i was excited sbab ada warung depan pintu masuk block aku.
i knew it will come wf roaches but it also meant that it came wf cute fat cats waiting by the tables.

skang, ada gerai kerang di luar cc tu.
aku bencilah. ada fat uncle gather untuk makan kerang di samping minum beer.
menyampah. they are polluting my sight.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anime in my mind

the moving mountain wf a mooing milky meow is mourning on a monday morning moon

Thursday, July 2, 2009

my own Hong Kong gangster movie.

Lip picked a fight wf a local gangster during work. Wide shot je, macam any Ekin Cheng Hong Kong Triad movie yang ada gangster chasing after the hero with a samurai sword. saje yg tak sama, Hong Kong punya ada road side stall cina. Ni? along pasar mlm melayu.

ganster couldnt get Lip, he came after me. i ok, selamba n steady je. i cant speak canto for nuts. tapi entah kenape, masa tu, canto i lancar je.smooth.

i managed the whole situation wf a clear mind. mungkin sebab i pakai shampoo Clear dan bukan Sunsilk.

steady je i apologize walaupun gangster tu was waving his sword in d air n shouting at me like a mad man. he wacked the cooler box where my legs were but i dint dock.

come to think of it, im amazed wf myself. kenape masa tu i blh mcm tu. org lain dah lari jauh2. all my teammates where 2 vehicles away. esp the guys. i felt like the gangster Lady boss at tat moment.

y do i put myself in such risk for a job tat is highly unappreciated. sebab i terlalu responsible n degil. all i could think of is to jaga the team n yes, i degil. klau dah set nak sesuatu, i dont give up. aku benci perangai ku ni.

im glad i was calm n kept my cool. i did earn some respect from there. yes yes, me no push over. siap i blh cakap, "u. girl! ciao!" i halau the girls aside then i step fwd to settle it. ello, mcm lah i bkn perempuan. ish. bodohnya i.

the whole fresco ended up the the balai. just before the gangster was being taken to the lock up, i stepped in to look for Lip. jeez. he saw me again.

mlm tu, sampai kat rumah je, a sudden chill hit me. takut jugak. lepas ni kalau i seorng2 n dia attack macam mana? maybe i might fight back. life n work sure has changed the timid me into a garang chick. hmm...is that good or bad.

ps: i bump into that mad gangster 2 days later in a hawker area. fortunately, he dint see me.