Friday, August 28, 2009

debat hantu berbangsa

a fren replied:

hantu is actually a fragment of ur own imagination

so ur culture and views are embedded in the persona of a ghost

now im more confuse

he said orang melayu takkan nampak hantu cina

maksudnya, in d after world pun kena racist ke?

hantu pun berbangsa ke?

habis tu, kalau chinese muslim akan nampak hantu cina ke?

so kalau i pausa, tapi i chinese i akan nampak hantu cina jugak?

what if i pernah nampak hantu yg disguise as a malay fren?

explaination "pakar hantu":

in the real world people are (racist)

if u nampak hantu melayu, thats because ur life principles dah allow malays to be part of it

its not the ghost

its u.

i wonder m i irritating d shit out of my frens by posting such a question? tapi its really bothering me. i sound like a whiny kid. i know im annoying d shit out of myself though

my colleague mintak i balik rumah terus. he thinks im mentally unwell to work

Thursday, August 27, 2009

hantu pun berbangsa ke?

Muslim kata kalau bulan puasa, takde hantu.
tapi ikut lunar calender, ni Hungry ghost festival month.
it's when all hell gates are open & ghost come out to party. wuhooo.....

so maksudnya ape?
hantu melayu tak keluar tapi hantu cina berkeliaran?

hantu pun berbangsa ke?

Friday, August 14, 2009

im suppose to make magic

im really scared. im not sure if i can do this.
dear god...pls help me survive.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

how many women it takes to change a light bulb

cause most of them cant figure out if its a light bulb issue or a starter issue.

i shall continue to bathe in the dark for the next few weeks while i ponder on the matter.

only in malaysia

makan Subway, dengar Rock Kapak
hanya di Malaysia. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ego = low self esteem

we always associate the word ego wf guys ie "the Male Ego"
but what about females who are also egoistic?
haven't got a word for that i think.

so does this mean that the female equivalent of ego would better be describe as "low self esteem"?
after all these 2 words seem quite similar in many ways.
in fact, its just a difference of a thin line.

so ego for female = low self esteem?

now to find a male equivalent of a "slut".

rempit merdeka yg tdk begitu nasionalistik

date: aug 1st 2009 - 12.30am

destination: on the way home from work

saw: rempit yg amat nasionalistic. tgh va-va-voom dgn mengibarkan nasional flag

reminds me of: adik kawan yg merupakan ah beng motocycalist ckp: "fun la wei, its only this month u can remp it and police will let u go if u've a flag. u just nd to say merdekaaaaa!!!"

what would a foreigner think: wow, malaysians are really nasionalistic. they love their country.

what do i think: ah bengs and rempits lebih kurang je. sama-sama suka mengibar jalur gemilang bila bulan merdeka.

but thn again...who cares what i think.